Fundamental British Values

At Peak School we are committed to promoting the Fundamental British Values (FBV) of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values underpin our curriculum and school ethos, preparing our pupils for life in modern Britain by fostering personal growth and encouraging responsible citizenship. 

At Peak School we actively promote Fundamental British Values in alignment with our school vision and values, preparing our pupils for life in modern Britain through the teaching of appropriate skills and the promotion of independence.   

Peak School Values are:  

  • we are kind  
  • we are a team  
  • we listen to each other  
  • we try our best    

Fundamental British Values


  • Understanding the importance of democratic processes and the role of citizens in decision-making. 
  • Encouraging pupils to express their opinions and understand the value of listening to others. 
  • Engaging in democratic practices such as voting and participation in the school council. 


  • To help pupils understand and experience the importance of having a voice and working together to make decisions. 
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to take part in activities like voting, discussions, and contributing to the school council. 
  • To support pupils in expressing their opinions and listening to the ideas of others in a respectful way. 
  • To use real-life examples to help pupils understand fairness, equality, and teamwork. 

Rule of Law

  • Emphasizing the significance of laws in protecting individuals and maintaining social order. 
  • Developing an understanding of the legal system and its role in ensuring justice. 
  • Teaching respect for civil and criminal law through curriculum content and behaviour expectations. 


  • To help pupils understand why rules and laws are important for keeping everyone safe and happy. 
  • To teach pupils about the importance of following rules in the classroom, school, and the wider community. 
  • To develop an understanding of what happens when rules are broken and how we make things right. 
  • To help pupils understand that rules are there to protect and support everyone equally. 

Individual Liberty

  • Promoting the right to personal freedom within the boundaries of the law. 
  • Encouraging self-expression and autonomy while respecting the rights of others. 
  • Supporting pupils to make informed choices in a safe and supportive environment. 


  • To help pupils make choices and understand that they are free to be themselves in a safe and supportive environment. 
  • To encourage pupils to make decisions about their learning, activities, and daily routines with guidance where needed. 
  • To develop pupils understanding their own feelings and how to respect the choices of others. 
  • To create opportunities for pupils to try new activities and develop confidence in their abilities. 

Mutual Respect and Tolerance

  • Instilling an understanding and appreciation of cultural, religious, and individual differences. 
  • Encouraging positive interactions with people from diverse backgrounds. 
  • Combating prejudice and promoting harmony in the school and the wider community. 


  • To help pupils understand and appreciate that everyone is unique and deserves kindness and respect, creating and inclusive culture that values diversity. 
  • To teach pupils how to interact positively with others, celebrating differences and finding things in common. 
  • To explore different cultures, beliefs, and traditions in an age-appropriate way and respect their beliefs. 
  • To engage in activities which help them to learn how to manage disagreements and build friendships with others.