Early Help Team

We have a passionate and skilled team of Early Help Key Workers working across Esteem Multi-Academy Trust schools. The service is commissioned by Esteem Multi-Academy Trust to provide focused support for young people and families. While safeguarding underpins our work, they are not a safeguarding or child protection service. Instead, they offer support only with the consent of families and young people, ensuring positive changes are made with them, not to or for them.

What We Offer

They provide solution-focused support tailored to the needs of young people and their families. The support can take various forms:

  • Family or community-based support
  • One-on-one sessions with young people

They recognize the challenges parents and carers face in balancing the demands of supporting young people with everyday responsibilities. That’s why the approach is holistic and flexible, aiming to empower families to become increasingly self-sufficient.

Collaborative and Targeted Support

They work closely with education colleagues and specialist services to ensure that young people and families receive the right support at the right time. The team is trained to deliver HOPE, a well-established project designed to achieve positive outcomes for young people in need of emotional support. We are thrilled to be able to access this valuable service at Esteem.

Referral and Allocation

They accept referrals from a variety of sources, including:

  • Esteem colleagues
  • Parents and carers
  • Young people
  • Other professionals

Referrals are reviewed at panel meetings, which include representatives from the team as well as education and health services. This ensures consistency and multi-agency decision-making in determining whether they are the most appropriate service to help. If they are not the right fit, they will do their best to connect families with the service that can meet their needs.

Together, we are committed to supporting young people and their families in overcoming challenges, fostering resilience, and achieving lasting positive change. If you’re interested in learning more or making a referral, please get in touch with us.

The FASST team website

If you wish to make a referral, please complete the Early Help Form

If you wish to make a referral, please complete the Early Help Form.

Key documents

Early Help Referral Form