Safeguarding at Peak School

Safeguarding at Peak School is taken very seriously.

Keeping pupils safe is the primary responsibility that runs through every element of the schools work and staff are empowered to report any concern to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

We follow strict safer recruitment procedures and all staff have enhanced DBS checks to ensure that they are suitable to work with vulnerable children and young adults.  All staff receive regular  training and one of our governors is nominated lead for safeguarding.  All staff and visitors must wear an ID badge at all times.  Our school building is secure and all visitors must sign in and show proof of identity.

The school works closely with other agencies to ensure that pupils’ and families’ needs are met.

Paper copies of all policies are available from the school office.

Dave Jones is our Designated Safeguarding Lead.
The following members of staff are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Sarah Dunstan: Pastoral team
Kaylie Cartledge: School nurse and pastoral team
Jo Howarth: Headteacher
Hannah Savoury is our governor link for safeguarding.
If you need to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead or anyone else from our safeguarding team please contact us on 01629 750324. We are available from 8.30 am until 4.00pm during term time.
At the moment Dave Jones is not in work so Sarah Dunstan is our Temporary Designated Safeguarding Lead.


Please see our Safeguarding Policies below:

Child Protection and Safeguarding Part 1

Child Protection and Safeguarding Part 2

Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy

ICT Acceptable Use Policy

Online Safety Policy

Private Fostering Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Intimate Care Policy

Data Protection Policy

Mobile Phone Policy