Views of Parents or Carers

At Peak Academy, we actively encourage parents and carers to share their feedback on all aspects of school life and pupils’ experiences. Your input is invaluable in helping us identify areas for improvement and ensuring we continue to enhance the quality of education and support we provide.

We strongly encourage all parents and carers to participate in our annual Parent Survey, which is circulated during the autumn term. The results of recent surveys are available below for your review.

Your feedback matters, and we appreciate your ongoing support in helping us grow and improve.

What parents and carers say about Peak School 2023/2024

Parents / carers can also feedback their views on Peak School via the OFSTED Parent View website.

In addition to online feedback, parents and carers are always welcome to arrange appointments to meet with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, or their child’s class teacher. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss any issues, concerns, or suggestions related to your child or any aspect of school life.

We value open communication and look forward to hearing your thoughts. Together, we can continue to make Peak Academy a supportive and thriving environment for all.